My Mother the Entrepreneur

My Mother the Entrepreneur

A student once asked me, “What is it that makes you who you are?”
“It must be your mother”, another replied.
I smiled and remembered my mother – the Entrepreneur

My Mother spoke about money like it had a life with a pulse and a heart beat. She had very strong feelings about money and several other things. I thought I’d share a few of the things she was passionate about.

She believed that a woman should always have a career, her own money, her own bank account, keep her father’s name after marriage, wear slacks when travelling and make sure to always cast her vote (since women were beaten by their husbands, fathers, and brothers), not to attend the suffrage movement which gave women the right to vote and that your wallet or purse should always be tidy.

She knew at all times how much money she had and how much she owed. Her money was placed in her wallet with the faces up and if she had a wrinkled bill she would iron it out until it was smooth. She believed that if you took care of money that money would love to be with you, therefore, you would always have money and increase your wealth.
To always be in debt, she believed, was a sign that you are not managing your money properly or that you are living beyond your means.

I grew up listening and observing her. She never ever left her bedroom without being made up and was always ready to face the day. The moment she stepped out, whether it was to her bakery, her grocery store or to communicate with her employees, she was on stage.

She gave her full attention to whatever project she had for the day. She spoke to us often about our behaviour and decorum, instructing us to walk with heads up high, no slouching, looking at people in the eye when speaking with them, that there were no stupid questions and to always remember that if you do not know the answer then you can only learn it by asking the question.

Her Entrepreneurship started after her marriage to our father. She began by making eggnog and topping it with the whites of eggs that had been beaten into a peak and sprinkled with cinnamon. In those days it was okay to consume as many eggs as one wanted and she began selling them every day at the factory owned by our father’s family. Eventually she included cakes made out of coconut and other special baked goods. On Fridays just before the men lined up to be paid, she would be back at the factory to collect her money – a minimum of five shillings just for 5 glasses of eggnog from each of the men and the cakes were extra.

The baking took off and my father built her a tiny oven. This eventually grew to a very large bakery where all of us children had to do our part. Some of us would get up at three am to wake the baker and drive him to the bakery, while others counted or delivered the bread to the shops and customers. From the bakery she opened a grocery store and a bar. Above the store was the dance hall where dances were held every Friday and Saturday nights. The businesses were very successful and she was able to share this experience with the community by employing families in the neighborhood.

My mother always saved 15% of her sales to build and develop her business ventures. Quite early in her career she decided she wanted to purchase land. This was in the late forties when women were still housewives, but not her. She was out there competing and pushing her plans. She spoke often about the time when she attended an event (the only woman, no less) where a parcel of land was being auctioned and she won. She said, “I had my money and I was prepared. I knew who the other bidders would be and they were shocked to see a woman there amongst all the men. I wanted the land more than they did. Then, I found out that I had more money to bid than they had. I came to win and was completely prepared to win that land. No one was going to out bid me.”

My mother continued increasing her net worth throughout her life. What was even more fascinating about her was that she also encouraged others to follow her lead. I often heard her telling the people who were renting homes from her, how they too could own their own home and went so far as to take them to the Credit Union to begin their savings plan.

Many people, when told that my mother was only 5’ 2” tall, were quite surprised. “She seemed so much taller!” they said. She was a formidable woman who always took the time to study her opponents and her plans. When she executed a plan it was well thought out. Her behaviour and attitude made you believe that she was tall and powerful.

She was a strong woman and amazing planner who was always writing, reading and thinking. She woke up early just so she could have time for herself and her thoughts. At 5am, she said, the world is still calm enough that you are able to think without being disturbed. She also believed that if you made a decision and the outcome was not what you expected, or wanted, that you should look at the experience and continue on the journey without looking back since you are not able to affect the situation any longer.

The businesses she started all those years ago are still thriving today – the plantation is running and the houses are being rented. She was a real pioneer who never stopped planning and developing new ideas which often came to fruition. The day before she died she was still giving orders to my brother telling him what should be done, when, who should do it, and how much should be paid.

Once when she was visiting Canada she told me that this place was a gold mine and with a little planning and some thinking – anyone could make it here.

Having had my mother share her life experiences with me made it possible to make the choices that I have made in my financial life. There are no regrets – just lessons learned and I am constantly learning and growing.

The young man from the beginning of this story, who questioned what, makes a person who they are, made me stop and think about who I am and what I have accomplished. I realized that it all comes from being the daughter of a woman of substance.

I spoke with my siblings about what the young man said to me that day. They all fell silent until one of my brothers said, his voice full of emotion, “She was, wasn’t she?

My mother taught me at a very early age about setting goals, making plans and working diligently to acquire them.

What kind of impression have you made on your children when it comes to managing money?

What are you doing to help your children set goals, work towards them and to stay focus on those goals?

Tessa- Marie Shillingford is the author of Controlling the Debt Monster. She is Personal Financial Planner, with a designation from the Institute of Canadian Bankers, and a Financial Counselor certified by the institute of Canadian Banker. She is presently a Program Facilitator of Financial Literacy at JVS Toronto. Tessa- Marie was employed by TD Canada Trust for twenty years in the retail section of the bank. During her tenure at TD Canada Trust she held various positions interacting with customers of the bank. As a Financial Advisor and Manager of Financial Services she led a group of Financial Advisors in helping customers of TD Canada Trust successfully manage their finances. Details of her book… Controlling the Debt Monster, can be found at

How to create a Basic Financial Plan in five steps

How to Create a Basic Financial Plan in 5 Steps
The Five Steps To Financial Planning

My blog of June 2, really got it going, I received so many emails form my acquaintances and others concerning my blog “On the Bus” that I decided my blog this week would be on how to prepare a basic Financial Plan, not a budget.

In a Financial Plan you need to plan where you want to be, how you plan to be there, and when.

It is important that you do not let the word Financial Plan intimidate you into not getting ready to formulate your financial plan. Without a Financial Plan it is like going on a journey without a GPS in your car, or like Seneca said “If you do not know what habour you seek, any wind is a good wind.” Don’t let yourself be caught in someone else’s wind know what you want and set your plan to attain your goals.

This is how you begin:

Personal Financial Plan Step 1 – Assess Where You Are Now Financially
A Cash Flow Analysis, aka “budget” or “spending plan”, lists your income and expenses by month. Subtract your expenses from your income to obtain your net cash flow. If it’s positive, plan what to do with the excess. If it’s negative or you break even, either find ways to increase your income or cut your expenses (or both, for even better results.)

Next prepare a Net Worth Statement> Add up what you own and subtract what you owe. This will give you your Net Worth. Start with your bigger assets like your home, car, and bank balance and then subtract your total mortgage, the balance on your car loan, or credit card balance.

Personal Financial Plan Step 2 – Determine Where You Want To Be Financially
 Set specific, measurable one-year, three-year, and five-year
 Goals, as well as longer-term goals.
 Establish an emergency fund.
 Pay off credit card debt.
 Contribute to your employer’s retirement plan if there is one. If not, set up a retirement plan and contribute to it regularly.
 Pay off the mortgage.
 Achieve financial independence by a certain age.
Be sure your investments are diversified.
 Minimize your taxable income.
 Other personal financial goals
 Establish children’s college funds

Personal Financial Plan Step 3 – Design a Plan to Reach Your Goals
 Build a liquid emergency fund
 Pay off credit card debt
 Pay off other debt
 Start investing or continue to invest according to your risk tolerance
 Set up an education fund for your children and contribute to it monthly
 Draw up a will
 Set up a retirement plan

Personal Financial Plan Step 4 – Implement the Plan
 Start tracking your income and expenses using a budget form, spreadsheet software like Excel, or a computer program like MS Money.
 Research investments that fit your risk tolerance and begin investing on a regular basis. You can do this online, through your bank or broker. You’ll pay more using a broker but there are several low-cost online brokers with good reputations that you could use instead of a full-service broker

Personal Financial Plan Step 5 – Monitor the Plan
 Use your spending plan to track your progress on your goals monthly or at least quarterly.
 Update your Net Worth Statement at least quarterly, but preferably monthly.
 Make adjustments in spending as necessary if you are deviating from your plan.

Try not to let the above process deter you from creating the plan. It is much easier than it looks and once you get started you will be very comfortable doing it.
If your results are not what you expected keep working on it and remember this is just where you are right now and the new plan you have just created is where you want to be. The new plan will require some care and attention. Monitor it weekly stay focused and always remember where you want to be financially.
Please let me know how you are doing.
If you require the Financial Planning forms email me at:

Tessa- Marie Shillingford is the author of Controlling the Debt Monster. She is Personal Financial Planner, with a designation from the Institute of Canadian Bankers, and a Financial Counselor certified by the institute of Canadian Banker. She is presently a Program Facilitator of Financial Literacy at JVS Toronto. Tessa- Marie was employed by TD Canada Trust for twenty years in the retail section of the bank. During her tenure at TD Canada Trust she held various positions interacting with customers of the bank. As a Financial Advisor and Manager of Financial Services she led a group of Financial Advisors in helping customers of TD Canada Trust successfully manage their finances. Details of her book… Controlling the Debt Monster, can be found at