When Riley and I began our journey with Tessa- Marie we were in dire need of help. Although neither of us was in any large debt we both had a dream of moving out and starting our lives together.

Unfortunately houses aren’t cheap and a down payment is required.

We both had bad spending habits that hindered our ability to gain any savings or any money security. If something went wrong and it was an expense we would end up in debt using a credit card to pay for whatever situation we were put in.

We started our journey with a limited budget and personally had doubted that Tessa-Marie could deliver on all of her promises.

Surprisingly we found that not only did we have money to save. We also could continue to live our lives. We could go out with friends, have an expensive dinner once in a while. Overall enjoy our weekly lives without a burden or constraint because we were saving money.

Tessa-Marie started working with us weekly. Her methods of saving money and her wise straight to the point teachings started to change our lives.

At first, it began with simply putting our money on paper and looking at our past expenditures. This forced us to look at the actual amounts of money we were spending.

This was a huge shock to both of us realizing that we were basically living pay cheque to pay cheque and spending most of our money on useless things that we no longer have.

After this, we both knew that we needed to listen to Tessa-Marie and follow her guidelines to achieve the life we both knew we wanted.

She asked us what we wanted most. We gave her a list of five things we wanted. We could see that she genuinely wanted to help us achieve these goals. Tessa-Marie then started to organize our money into different accounts each with a specific purpose to reach our goals while, still living our lives. After about a month we started to notice growth in our savings, while still having social lives. We truly began to believe in the system.

Then with a helpful nudge we realized that we could save more money and still enjoy life. So we needed to re-evaluate our spending and change our recent accounts.

After this, we had a solid plan that worked well and helped us save larger amounts.

Now it has been around 9 months and not only can we see our financial future but, we can clearly see how inflamed our bank account has come. Tessa-Marie doesn’t force you into saving, she simply helpfully guides you but, puts the responsibility on yourself or in our case us.

Truly Tessa-Marie has helped drastically change our lives for the better and we both are much happier in our lives and our future. Although she helps you reach your ultimate financial goal she does so much more than just save you money. She made us look at our lives and create goals. Figure out what we wanted out of life and overall make us realize we could do it together.

We both owe Tessa-Marie something more than you can give back because she gave us something you cannot put a price on, a happy and stress free financial future.

I hope Patrick’s and Riley’s experiences guide you to seek financial navigation to your own stress free financial future.

All the best


The Reason I Choose To Blog Publicly

I have been blogging for over five years. During those five years, I have helped many people get out of debt; purchase homes they can afford and develop better saving habits.

The reason I choose to blog publicly because I have knowledge as a Financial Planner that I wanted to share with others. The advice I give in person or through emails is always free of charge. Blogging enables me to reach out to people all over the world.

My blogging topics will continue to be on finance. My mission is to connect with as many people as possible that needs help and advice to successfully manage their finances.

There is a big need for proper financial management many are stuck and I have the skills to guide them to find a way out.   The knowledge and training I have I enable to see opportunities, where those that are dealing with the financial crises are unable to see the other choices that are available to them.

Also I am planning to incorporate a life skill aspect to my blog because I realize that many life skill habits create poor financial choices. When proper life skills are learned and develop we are able to make better choices both in our financial and personal life.

If I am able to successfully blog throughout the next year, I hope to enlighten, educate and encourage others to successfully manage their finances and personal life.


I had an encounter at the mall earlier this week. I needed to get a short, white jacket to wear with my summer dresses.  I entered a store, was looking around when this young lady came to assist me in selecting my purchase, asking whether she could help me. I explained to her what I was looking for and informed her that I had already looked around and did not think they had exactly what I wanted.  She said that she would check her stock at the back and, after a few minutes, came back with several ladies’ jackets. I looked at each one and kindly explained they were not what I asked for.

The young lady began explaining to me that the shorter jackets were out of style and these are the latest fashion. They were seen on the runways of New York and Paris.  I again told her that I wanted a specific jacket.  She said the benefit of having one of these jackets is that I could go from spring into summer and then right into fall. The colours she had were spring and summer colours.  I explained again, in case she had forgotten, that I wanted a short, white jacket. She then informed me that white, as a colour for spring and summer, was out and the popular colours were bright green and bright yellow, and if I got one of those jackets I would be the envy of my friends.  The price is great, she said,it is at 50% off today and if I had a friend who is a senior I could get an additional 15% off.

As a former sales person myself, I must commend the young woman; she new the benefits of her product, she did her best to sell them to me, she informed me that I would be right in the fashion of the times since this was seen on the runways of New York and Paris for the spring, and that I would be the envy of all my friends with my new runway jackets. Then, she went for the jugular by informing me of the price and the discounts.  Who in their right, impulsive mind could let that amazing sale pass?

The sales woman did not hear my needs, she wanted to sell these jackets and her job was to convince me that I needed the jackets even if I had come to the store for something entirely different.  My needs were completely forgotten. She had an agenda and it was to sell me those jackets. I love these encounters and when I get one of them I often try to put myself in the place of the impulsive shopper.  What would an impulsive shopper do?  Would she agree with the sale person and purchase the runway jackets?  What then would she wear with those summer dresses?  Would she now have to purchase something else to wear with these new jackets, I know she could not wear the jacket without a skirt or a dress?   So the impulsive shopper would leave that store with a bag full of unintended purchases, a maxed out credit card and a belly full of regret before even getting home.

I politely told the young lady that I was not interested in the jackets and left the store.

When you go shopping, you should always be sure of what you are looking for and how much you plan on spending. Remember that the sales person’s job is to get you to buy what they have in their store. You must be aware that they are not your friend, you just met them and they are doing their job… and some can do their job very well.  Often, when we get into those stores and the sales person is helping you, they already know what has to move from the store today.  There was a sales meeting prior to opening and the manager gave them their target for the day or for the week.

When you enter a store you are swimming in unchartered waters.  Be careful as you might drown in a sea of debt before you know it. The bright, spring sunshine can push us into spending more than we plan this season… especially after the cold and snow-bound winter we just experienced.

Take your time and plan your shopping wisely. Take a friend who will tell you the truth no matter what and do not depend entirely on what the sales person has to say.



APRIL 2ND 2013


Interesting year we are in, 2013!  Commonly, anything with the number 13 generates fear and superstition.  Many people run away from this feared number. Buildings do not have a 13th floor as it is so feared.  Do we have a choice?  Can we ignore the year 2013 or pretend it does not exist just because it has the number 13 in the mix?  No, we can’t so we are going to include 2013 in our lives.  We are going to do something different this year.  We are actually going to embrace the number 13; we are going to embrace the entire year!  A suggestion for our theme for 2013 is NEW HOPES, NEW DREAMS AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS!

Every year we make plans and set goals, which we refer to as RESOLUTIONS.  Let us scrap that word. We are setting New Goals for a New Year with a number that will surely improve our chances.  We will begin by naming “2013” the year my life changed for the better.

My first question; what do you want to ACCUMULATE and what do you want to ELIMINATE?  Take a few minutes and write your answer down.

In the past few years were you a MISSILE WITHOUT A GUIDANCE SYSTEM?  Were you just going about your business working, paying bills, spending and reacting to life instead of life reacting to you?  It’s time to change.  Give yourself a GUIDANCE SYSTEM. Where do you want to go and when?

Now what are those five powerful steps to financial success I am talking about?  Well here they are, you might have heard some version of them previously, but not described to you in the way I am going to do so now!


Key to meeting your goals is to know your goals. Describe your goals completely and entirely until they become something you can recite like a nursery rhyme. You want to pay off your Master Card then say I want to completely pay off my Master Card.  Do not only say I want to pay off my debt.  This non-specific statement does not completely describe your goal.  The specific statement you want to make describes which debt and the amount.  Generally, when a goal is not specific it is not attained.  Ask yourself which debt, the $100.00 you owe your brother, or the $3000.00 outstanding on your Master Card?  Be Specific.


What steps are you taking to meet those goals?  In other words, keep score of your progress towards your goals.  Your statement should be as follows.  I want to pay off my Bank Master card (name the bank) and I am paying $250.00 towards the card every month.  So I Keep Score every month of the total I have paid towards my Bank Master Card debt, which shows me the headway that I have made.


Now that I am paying this Bank Master Card off, I should not continue to use the card.  Making payments to eliminate debt every month and simultaneously incurring more of the same debt is counter-productive.  For example, one should not make efforts to pay $250.00 a month towards a Bank Master Card debt and charge $200.00 to the card just because there is available credit.  Create habits that will enable you to bring your financial goals into your lifestyle and eliminate the habits that work against you.  Modify your behavior.


Now that you know the steps you need to take in order to meet financial goals, avoid the impulses and temptations that are a hindrance to your targets.  An immediate reward can produce long-term penalties.  A drink after work every Friday is no longer one of your pastimes.  Dinner out every weekend with your friends should be scaled back. Why not cook with your friends at home and everyone contributes to the meal.  A lovely homemade Tuscan soup and some fresh buns with a bottle of wine can make a lovely winter dinner with friends at home.  Try it!  You’ll it!


This is one of the most important steps in accomplishing your goal.  A friend of mine always wanted to retire to Jamaica.  I’ve heard the following statement for the last 15 years. “I am going back home to retire.”  Now that is an incomplete plan.  My friend did not complete his statement; he should have said:  “My goal is to retire in 2001 at the age of 60 in Jamaica.” Now that is a complete goal!  We have the where, the what and most importantly, the when!  My friend is still in Canada, retired and only vacations in Jamaica.  He maintains his dream of one day living in Jamaica but his goal is still incomplete.  With no when, no timeframe, this is an incomplete and unattainable goal.

So there they are!  Your Five Powerful Steps to Financial Success!  Every three months take time to look at your progress towards meeting your financial goal.  If you are not on tract, then re-evaluate and make the necessary changes to get yourself back on tract.  It may not be easy, keep plugging away, do not abort the goal!

Happy New Year


January 2 2013


Whenever I facilitate a workshop on finance the very first question I ask the participants is WHAT ARE YOUR FINANCIAL WISHES?      Most of the participants are stumped by this question.

In The story of Aladdin’s Lamp the Genie once released from his imprisonment in the bottle asks Aladdin. “WHAT DO YOU WISH’   I refer to this fable to illustrate a point.  When Aladdin was confronted with this question he hesitated, and like most of us, he did not have a list of specific wishes.  He had a vague idea of what would provide the most immediate pleasure and comfort.  He did not have a working plan and he did know what he wanted.  I ask, the Genie’s question a little differently. What is it you to accomplish financially?  The common response is “You know I have never really thought of that.”

At the beginning of a workshop on finance I get those same reactions. So let’s see if I can help guide you to achieve your financial goals

It is Tuesday night and you are watching reality television wishing you were one of those rich people or one of those getting rich doing their show.  You wished so hard that the Genie appears,   “Give me a list of the ten things you want now and they all will be yours in five years.  You will receive the first one in January and the second one in June and every year after this for the next five years.  There is only one catch; you must name these ten things in 120 seconds.”

How many of you are able to do this now?  Stop reading and get your, I phone, I Pad, purple, yellow or blackberries and begin writing taking only 120 seconds to complete the list.  How was that for you, did you complete your list in 120 seconds or were you mystified, dumfounded, and exhausted, well you are not alone you are just like 90% of the population over the age of 20.

Kids know what they want; we have all seen or experienced with a child who wants a particular toy, they know the name of the toy, they know where it is sold, what colour it is, how much it cost and they also know you will move heaven and earth to get it for them.

The Genie feels sorry for you and decided to give you another chance.   He tells you “I will be back in seven days and if you have those ten things listed they will be yours.”

What are you going to do, are you going to turn off the television, and get your note-book or one of those berries and begin writing or are you going to do it after this particular show is over?  It is all your choice, remember. The decisions you make today determines the life you live tomorrow.

You decided you are starting now.  The first list you created you set aside, NO! You say out loud as you jump out of your chair, this is not what I really, want.   You start again.  This time you date and time the second page and begin, using the previous list as a reference, you look at the list again and will see the things you know you need, also what you don’t want.

Here are  some things you might have on that first list.

  1. Be happy,
  2.  Have good health
  3. Travel
  4.  Have a fancy car
  5. Eat at superfine restaurants
  6. Have a big House
  7. Buy designer clothes and shoes
  8. Want to be comfortable
  9. Get married
  10.  Have a family

Now here is a list of the things you need and want to accomplish.

  1. Stop borrowing money to buy things
  2. Bring my current debt up-to-date
  3. Pay off all my debt Buy a Home
  4. Create a small only God knows fund
  5. Create a Big emergency fund
  6. Buy a house
  7. Open a  Registered Retirement Savings Plan
  8. Save my children’s education
  9. Have an annual vacation
  10. Pay off the house

A very different list from the previous one.  Are these better choices?

Try creating your own list using the above as a reference.

When you have these things in place, peace of mind, happiness and contentment will follow, and your Financial Advisor aka Genie will have guided you to reach your financial goals.

It requires some practice and it will definitely take much more than 120 seconds to get it right but it is worth doing.

Let me know how you felt before and after the exercise.
